What boundaries should be around a marriage? What would they look like?


What boundaries should be around a marriage? What would they look like?

In class, this week we discussed on marriage. Specifically, on setting boundaries within the marriage.   I think this is an interesting topic to learn about and share my experiences with you. I hope you get to share your thoughts in the comment section. I will be sharing insights from class, scriptures, and articles. I hope you get to enjoy and learn with me.

To protect the wellbeing, respect, and individuality of both partners, it is important to create clear standards, agreements, and limits within the marriage. Setting these boundaries within a marriage is important for preserving a strong, happy, healthy, and balanced marriage. Each couple's approach to setting boundaries in a marriage will be different depending on their own unique dynamics, needs, and views.

In a relationship, I think setting boundaries should start with having an option communication. I believe this is the spine of any marriages, it is what keeps it standing as long as each partner do their part in sharing and expressing themselves. Communication between partners in a relationship must be open and honest, and both partners must feel free to communicate their needs, wants, and concerns. What do you think? Does it matter if couples have communication? In my opinion, the answer should always be “Yes!” because it is what will keep it together during the good days and the long days.

Another boundary, often we see less now adays, is boundaries on friends of the opposite sex. This is typical an area where couples frequently have to communicate and define their comfort levels by setting boundaries surrounding friendships with the opposite sex. Couples should be honest about their thoughts, worries, and hopes for friendships between the men and the women. It's critical to consider each other's viewpoints and work toward an agreement of what is appropriate and what is not. This can lead to be hardest since it needs clear communication. The earlier we set this boundary the smoother the communication follows between the couples.

In the New Testament, Matthew 19, the savior teaches about unity between a man and a wife. The verse states, “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh.” I believe the Lord teaches becoming “One” and it is a crucial lesson to remember when being married. Being one shows unity to friends, family, and others. It can represent of a way of expressing “I am hers, and she is mine.”

Setting boundaries for intimacy and sexuality is necessary. Couples should be honest about their expectations for and limitation on physical intimacy. This involves discussing agreements and making sure that each partner feels safe and respected in their committed intimate relationship.

Establishing financial boundaries is also crucial. The subject of money should be discussed openly between couples, including budgeting, spending patterns, and financial objectives. Building trust and establishing clear guidelines for responsibility sharing and financial decision-making help to avoid disagreements or frustration.

In conclusion, It's crucial to understand that limits may modify over time and may need to be adjusted as the couple gets older or as circumstances change. Every marriage is different, and depending on the couple's goals and individual circumstances, the limits around their friendships with one another may change. Respect for each other's concerns, open lines of communication, and constant cooperation are essential for maintaining the boundaries that support a solid and reliable marriage connection.




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