Process of finding a life partne

Process of finding a life partner Finding a life partner represents a need for companionship, emotional connection, and shared experiences, and it is a key turning point in one's personal journey. Finding a life partner is a complicated, intensely personal process, and not a one-size fit all. It is the biggest decision a person can make. Deciding who you will be with for the rest of your life is not an easy decision. I hope to learn with you the counsels of smart individuals. My source of information will be from the scriptures, prophets and apostles counseling, and from family members. I hope you get to stick to the end for this one. I think many of the majority including myself have the assumption of finding the one, “The right person.” A Professor of Marriage and Family stated about this matter at a BYU devotional. In August 1, 2000, THOMAS B. HOLMAN says, Let me make two things clear about what is meant by “the right person.” First, movies, plays, and fiction sometimes le...